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FEATHERING:      $500


 Feathering is one of the eyebrow techniques of Semi-Permanent Make-Up.   The hair stroke method has become incredibly popular in recent years. A very natural, lifelike looking brow can be created using the hair stroke method, which essentially is using the tattoo needle to create lots of little hair like impressions by implanting pigment in a line under the skin. The advantages are that it does look very natural, like real hair. It is perfect for people that already have quite good hair coverage, and for those who want to fill out gaps in their eyebrows where hair is missing, because the strokes can be made to mimic the natural hair present in colour, thickness and angle. In younger skin, it can even work very well for creating a complete brow where little to no hair exists.


(Machine Gradation)

Ombre eyebrow is one of the techniques of Semi-Permanent Make-Up. produces a slightly different result than the regular shaded brow technique. More subtle, softer shading is used with the brow tail being emphasized to make it look super defined the brow is made to look darker at the arch. Often called the soft, diffused brow look. This style has proven popular and is a very attractive option for many ladies. It is perfect for people that already have older style brow tattoos (as in, blacks used in eyebrows fading to blue or green – not good!) coverage, and for those who want to fill out gaps in their eyebrows


Misty powder is one of the eyebrow techniques of Semi-Permanent Make-Up.  also known as the shaded brow. If you’re someone who prefers a fuller brow but till wants that soft texture, you may want to consider the powdered technique. The powder technique mimics the appearance of conventional brow makeup whether it be a brow pencil or brow shadow. It generally lasts as long as long as the Feathering technique. Also can do combination with Feathering + Mist powder.


Pre Procedure Advice

All make up will need to be removed prior to treatment, so please come ‘fresh faced’ if possible.

Medication ;

Do NOT take Accutane (have to be off this for at least 1 year), Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E and/or Ibuprofen unless medically necessary for 48 to 72 hours prior to your procedure. Tylenol is fine.


Lifestyle ;

Do not work out the day of the procedure as the body heat expands the pores.

Do not have a tan or sunburn on your face prior to your procedure. The tan will exfoliate taking colour with it as it fades. If you attend your appointment with sunburn, you will be required to reschedule and your deposit will be forfeited.


Eyebrow Pre-procedure advice:

§  Any waxing should be performed at least 48 hours before the procedure.

§  Any electrolysis in the area to be treated, should be performed no less than five days before the procedure.

§  Eyebrow tinting should not be undertaken for two weeks prior to the procedure.

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